Football is not just a sport
At least, not for me. Football is my passion, my life-style. When I was young my dream was to be a professional player and I played for 16 years trying my best to reach my dream. During this process, I started to do what, ultimately, became the center of my life: football coach.
To be involved in the learning process of a lot of passionate players is priceless.
They only want to play football, score goals, play games… And they don't do it enough. Unfortunately, in Galway it is not that easy to train so many hours and the kids don't play in the streets anymore, what means that every year we have less brave players, able to beat opponents in 1v1, and we are losing the healthy competitiveness of playing for 3-4 hours without a referee in the park with 2 bags as a goal.

As a football coach and as a passionate person about this game, I will try to help those players to have extra sessions and to transmit to them passion and confidence to enjoy every minute of this sport.
And that's the mission of the XVAcademy: provide extra and professional coaching to the passionate players in a high performance environment. I will give them my 100% to make them better players with sessions designed using the XVA Methodology where the player is the center of everything and all the concepts worked in the sessions are individual, technical and tactical. Also, I will coach them with sportive values to be better in and off the pitch, knowing that football is a part of their education and as an Academy I'm heavily involved on it.
The values of the Academy are the values we think are very important to succeed in football and in life. Respect, for everything, passion for whatever you want to do, hard work and discipline to keep improving every day, focused more on the process than on the final goal and the desire to learn.
The vision of the XVAcademy is to be the best High Performance Academy in the country
Providing quality sessions to all the players in a professional environment, using the talent and the dedication of the coaches as long as the latest technology and the best methodology possible to reach the objective.
To achieve it, I'm running a program every Sunday and Camps for Easter and Summer plus more clinics. I'm putting the player in the center of everything and adapting all the XVAcademy sessions to what the player needs and wants to do.
The XVAcademy is not an Academy for only Elite players. If the player loves the sport and wants to improve, the XVAcademy will be always open to receive him/her. I've been the happiest person in the world playing football and I want the players from the XVAcademy being the happiest persons in the world while they're training with me.