The XVArena dream is becoming a reality – the new era at XVAcademy
One of the most important things for me is to dream as big as possible, because the only limit is your imagination and creativity. There are no rules, only your own ones and anything is possible. It's true that in the real life, it's very difficult to make our dreams come true, and that's why when you can achieve it, I don't have words to describe my feelings.
My journey so far has been unbelievable, starting a new life in a different country, coaching in a professional club and feeling the respect of the players, enjoying so much the time with them. After that creating a new project, with all the challenges of the entrepreneurship, being a beginner starting a project and also in a different country, different rules, the language barrier…
I've had ups and downs along the way, but the main message I've had in my brain is the same that I try to transmit to the players I coach: "Be brave, do everything you can and you won't have any regrets even if it doesn't work out this time".
The XVAcademy has been the first part of my professional project, giving to the players a place to learn, to improve and to express themselves in a demanding environment, trying to give the best atmosphere to all of them to be better players and play with confidence, enjoying what they do. But I always want more and I'm always trying to improve in any area I can. The next step of the XVAcademy is ambitious and we are consistent with the messages we send to the players. I felt that to help more the players we needed something different and the only way to achieve is having our own home.
It has been long, tedious and in some phases really frustrating, but also encouraging and really intense. We have tried to find a place where all the XVAcademy members can come and train with the best resources in the best environment. One place linked to player and person development. One place where the player can train in a place that was a dream but now it has become a reality.
The XVArena is true.
A high performance centre, with an indoor pitch, to train under any weather conditions, with a 4G astroturf with FIFA Standards and the XVAcademy methodology. We wanted to make an step forward and we've jumped as far as we could. It's all for you, players.
Welcome to the new era at XVAcademy.