XVAcademy – 5 Months In
ThankYou All! What an amazing 5 months it has been for XVAcademy! 🙏🏻 This week marks 5 months since we officially launched XVAcademy to the world. This was preceded by months (and years) of thinking, planning and organising. It was always a dream of mine to launch a high performance football academy in Ireland and the last 5 months couldn't of gone any better!
We launched our first programme in spring and we were bowled over by the response from the Galway public! This was followed by Mid Term Clinics and sell out Easter Camps. We received our first big batch of XVAcademy Joma jerseys, jackets and merch around the same time and to see so many quality players wearing XVAcademy gear really brought a smile to my face and heart!
April saw the launch and sell out of a 6 week programme for 2013 and 2014s only. This was a massive step forward for us, because if we can give younger players more quality hours of training, this will stand to them in later years and the quality of players moving into the National League will be higher.

The Spring Programme continued up to the end of May with more than 60 players training with us every Sunday, in groups of 6 – 8 players every hour. The June bank holiday was fast approaching and we were positioned to provide free training sessions to the kids of Galway, at the Salthill Fives. We sold out 100 free training sessions in 7 hours, after it was announced on the Salthill Fives social media pages. We were blessed with amazing weather and the feedback from players and parents was truly heart warming. We were so so happy with this weekend, that we have already began planning for a bigger and better version in 2024, where we hope to offer 250 free training sessions!
With no rest, we started our first 2023 summer camp the very next day at the Westside Astro specifically for non exam secondary school players. Now we look forward to a summer fully of summer camps and welcoming new players to academy. Be sure to book your summer camp early, as it is likely they will all sell out.
Our next programme begins in September, we will be announcing full details later in the summer. We will be capping the September programme to 100 players, again in very small groups every hour. We are working on something very big and it will change the football scene in Galway for ever. We hope to be able to give you a snippet of our plans in late July.
This weekend we hit 200 followers on facebook and 300 followers on instagram – the XVAcademy continues to grow! From the bottom of my heart, I would like to thank you all for all the amazing feedback, support and enthusiasm. Seeing players arriving half an hour early for their sessions, so they can get their warm up and personal training pre session done is so good to see!